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1 Buck  Mon, Jun 20, 2011 7:40:29pm

Just trying to understand. This Jeremy Morlock sent her emails that she did not respond to. She didn't do anything wrong. She didn't give him special treatment, or encourage him in any way.

Exactly what should someone latch onto?

2 sagehen  Mon, Jun 20, 2011 9:05:49pm

Maybe just the fact that the families are close friends (close enough that Jeremy's sister went to LA to be with Bristol for the duration of her DWTS gig, and the family didn't press charges when Willow trashed their house, and Track played hockey with Jeremy for a few years and J telling T about his Army time is a big part of what inspired T to enlist)... put up a few screenshots of this sort of thing, then Sarah in her convention speech quoting "we grow good people in our small towns," and saying something obnoxious about how superior they are to us urban folk, as Jeremy runs around the Afghanistan countryside thrill-killing civilian kids and ruining the unit's ability to perform their actual mission because now the tribal leaders despise/distrust anybody in a US uniform.

3 Buck  Tue, Jun 21, 2011 12:04:05pm

When Willow trashed their house? All you know is that Willow was part of a group of teens that were in the house. You don't know if there were any charges considered possible.

Being close friends of the family is not a crime. Not a scandal, not even bad judgement.

Jeremy Morlock, not his family, committed a crime, and was convicted of that crime. He, not his family will do the jail time (24 Years).

Saying "we grow good people in our small towns," is not saying that everyone is perfect. It doesn't mean anything like that, not by a long shot.

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